Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blues music is an interesting genre.  It's typically sung with despair, yet I can't think of another genre that offers more hope.  Now of course these days "blues" refers more to the musical style of a song more so then the lyrics.  As I'm writing this blog I'm listening to Bob Dylan and you can hear the blues influence in his music, words and phrasing.  I think the main purpose of music is to transport you to a place where there's no worries.  Some days for me it might be Ben Harper and some days it might be George Strait.  Today it happens to be the blues, which got me thinking about what a huge influence the blues has had on music today.  Everyone from Stevie Ray Vaughn to John Mayer and G. Love owes a lot to the delta bluesman of the mid 20th century.  If it wasn't for John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters and others I wonder what music today would sound like.  Blues musicians are going to tell you their story, no matter what it is, and they're going to have some fun doing, and you're going to have some fun listening.  Don't underestimate the blues, sometimes it may seem like the forgotten genre but it's influence pops up on. The radio daily.

1 comment:

  1. I'm highly disappointed with the crap that plays on the normal broadcast radio stations these days. To me it generally all sounds the same, a good blues station would be just the shot of much needed original materiel.
