Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Myth of winter

I believe the biggest myth of winter is that it's necessary.  Yeah yeah I know it's techinically necessary, plus it makes you appreciate spring that much more, blah blah blah.  I can say with certainty I would appreciate spring and summer just as much without winter.  I'll use my "seasonal depression" as evidence.  Today in central North Carolina it is in the mid 60's and my mood is definitely better then what it was on a cloudy 40 degree day last week, but still in the back of my mind I know we still have to make it through Febuary and early March. I know I'm not the only one that struggles with the cold weather and the challenges it brings. I wonder what people do to cope?  I prefer to play Jimmy Buffett and Jack Johnson loudly and brave the outdoors in flip flops any time I see sun.  It keeps me looking forward to the days in July when I'm sitting on a beach with not a care in the world.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Who's "the captain"?

I like to call myself the captain.  I am pretty sure I'm the only person that refers to me as such.  I've tried for quite some time to get my lovely wife of three years to refer to me as the captain and she looks at me as if I've just asked her to assist me in robbing a bank.  I do have hope that our three month old son will one day call me the captain with affection in his voice but I'm not holding my breath.  In all honesty I look at the captain as a persona, a state of mind.  I'm not trying to rip off the whole margaritaville mantra (I consider myself a parrothead too) I just happen to have my own terminology.  Maybe one day my wife will take to being the first mate and our children will be sailors or deckhands, well you get the point. Anyways the captain resides on a beautiful beach, an aquarium with his family, a Jack Johnson concert or in Key West, if only in his mind.  The captain tries to view life away from the working world and the worries that hold us back.  That's what I'm hoping to bring to the blog world, with bits of reality thrown in of course.  Welcome to Captain Zach's world.